What is wellness?
Equally worth knowing, is what wellness is not – wellness is not merely a word to be attached to products and services to increase sales, as is the current trend. Wellness is, a holistic modality whereby people are encouraged to actively pursue optimal levels of health and wellbeing.
Wellness can be defined as a personal journey undertaken by individuals through conscious choice and effort. It’s not a destination, there is no end point. And there is no singular ‘right’ way to wellness, as no two people are singularly alike. It is living mindfully and holistically, consciously striving to learn, grow, change and create.
Conventional medicine generally aims to move people from a state of illness, to a neutral point –or to a state of having no physical symptoms. But wellness is about constantly striving to move from illness or a neutral point, to a point of thriving – regardless of physical symptoms.
Wellness is working towards harmony, balance and integration of all aspects of ourselves and our environment in a way that results in living and functioning at optimal levels; and ultimately, a life that one loves to live.
What to expect from a consultation?
Prior to an initial consultation, you will be required to complete an in-depth questionnaire which will be used to evaluate your current levels of wellness and your readiness to change, and to identify areas where change is most desired/needed.
The initial consultation (1.5 – 2 hours) is where we will begin our work together in a safe and confidential environment. Our combined goal will be to set you on your journey to wellness by identifying and overcoming obstacles, and moving forward in ways that are best suited to you. At each follow up session (1 – 1.5 hours) we will talk, and do whatever work is necessary to help you keep moving forward, based on where you are in that moment.
As each client is different no two consultations will be the same; some wellness areas that may be addressed include nutrition, physical movement, lifestyle habits, and mental, emotional and spiritual wellness. Tools that may be utilised include lifestyle goals, mind-body medicine, holistic counselling, homeopathy, positive psychology and holistic nutrition.
What to expect from me?
From me, you can expect honesty and tough love tempered with compassion and understanding. My job is not to tell you what you want or what to do, my primary goal is to help you help yourself.
Empowering clients to become proactive in their own wellness serves not only to build self-confidence and esteem, but to take back the power and control over their own health and wellness; who wants to have to rely on doctors, naturopaths, coaches or pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of their life? If I’m doing my job properly, we will happily get to a point where you no longer require my services.